I live on the barrier beach island a few miles south of Cape Canaveral, Florida and frequently at night my windows rattle to the low frequency vibrations of rocket engines blasting off towards space. It has long been my personal belief, partially arrived at from the objective opinions of others who once worked for the space program, that the bureaucratic administration of NASA has become effete, fossilized and has sacrificed efficiency and safety on the alter of political correctness and is without current vision or sense of resourcefulness.
Actually, within the past decade, NASA has become something else even worse than another top heavy Federal bureaucratic protectorate .... It has become a Public Relations fraud to advance the false images of ethnic harmony, equality and the New World Order while falsely claiming credit and riding upon the real glory of a past administration and the accomplishments of its founders that it is too ashamed to acknowledge. There is not a single space flight system currently in use, not a single major concept or design that was not conceptualized, researched and built first by Hitler's rocket team which was brought to this country to work for the US Air Force at the end of WW II. This includes both the Space Shuttle and designs for the Giant Saturn Rockets which first took an American to the moon in 1969. All of it was the work of the genius and organizational abilities of captured scientists of our defeated enemies who first developed the V-2 Rocket for the Third Reich.
However, in the past decade, many of those second generation NASA Administrators, German trained scientists and Engineers have also retired or were deliberately squeezed out to make room for the EEO candidates of the Clinton-Gore Administration. Today NASA hardly resembles anything anymore of the days of the old "Right Stuff" and only exists off the old technology, systems, procedures created by the founding fathers of the organization. It currently utilizes mass produced and standardized hardware parts of the designs which were engineered, developed by the men who came from the Third Reich. Some of parts have been wharehoused for years while much of the technology, the specialized facilities and the fabrication dies to produce shuttle components were, under the direction of the Clintonites, scrapped years ago thus precluding the construction of any new vehicals.
However, to look at the changing complexions of the multi-cultural staff in jump suits which ones sees at The Cape today is to be rendered the false impression that America's space program and its technology is the product of EEO programs and hirings. Nothing could be further from the truth. With the shift in complexions has aslo come a shift in attitudes, one which the old timers, who watch in sadness and dismay from increasingly neutered positions within the organization or retirement sidelines, believe will ultimately spell doom, decline and disaster for the whole Space Program. Adherence to firm procedures, systems analysis and chain of command responsibility was replaced by Clinton's appointed Jewish administrator, Golden, with something warm and fuzzy called " consensus decision making" whereby, in effect, no one is personally responsible anymore and either good or bad decisions are the result of the collective entity. Golden's motto, which was frequently broadcast to the employees through telecasts and over the PA systems in his whinning nasal voice, consisted of the oxymoron: "everything must now be faster, cheaper and better." The old adages about "haste makes waste" and "you get what you pay for" are no longer factors to consider. Golden also cut the budget allocations and staff devoted to safety issues in half. Ultimately, whenever something goes wrong these days, NASA has to call on men who either retired or got squeezed out 10 and 20 years ago to ask them what to do.
Meanwhile, I know quite a few of these men of the old school... they are my neighbors ... and some even family members from the old von Braun, Mercury-Apollo-Saturn days. I know a few, near retirement, still working in Key positions at KSC. However, what is currently mostly left at The Cape besides a technical staff of space plumbers, numbering about 24,000 personnel, to assemble the prefab rocket parts for launch (it takes 600 on the Air Force side of the Cape to do the same thing) ... is a public relations charade. Finally, to underscore how low NASA has gone to under the Clintonites to remake its PC image; when you call the NASA personnel office at KSC these days a Haitian woman answers the phone.
Facts about US Space Program: America's Nazi Scientists Led the Space Race
The German rocket scientist, Hermann Oberth, is known as the Father of Space Travel for his ground breaking book in the 1920s called The Rocket into Planetary Space. Oberth's ideas were well received by Adolf Hitler, and funding was made available to Oberth to assemble a rocket research and development team. One of the scientists that Oberth recruited was Wernher von Braun (1912-1977), later to become famous in his own right.
The first product of the German research program was the V-1 rocket, or doodlebug, as it was known, a flying bomb powered by a jet engine. Then Von Braun, still working under Oberth, developed the first intercontinental ballistic missile in the world: the German V2 rocket which was used to bombard Britain in the closing months of the Second World War.
At the end of the Second World War, the Soviets and Americans each grabbed as many of the Nazi rocket scientists as they could find. Von Braun had however arranged for the removal of 500 of his top staff and their work - 100 remaining V2 rockets - to the west, to await capture by the Americans. His gamble paid off, and he and most of his colleagues were whisked off to America to work for that country's military and later space rocket programs.
The Soviets did however manage to capture some stragglers: they in turn were taken back to Russia and put to work for the Communists, producing the first long range Soviet missiles, known as Scuds, and the first Soviet space rockets (which even kept the distinctive V2 shape). The first Soviet Satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched in 1957, followed in 1961 by the first manned spaceflight, that of Yuri Gagarin. In both cases it was a derivation of the V2 rocket which put the Soviets into space.
Von Braun in America
Meanwhile, in America, about two thirds of the original V2 team had been re-assembled at the White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico. Led by Von Braun and Oberth, the team continued their work and in 1950, Von Braun was transferred to Huntsville, Alabama, where for ten years he headed the Redstone missile program, becoming a naturalized US citizen in 1955.In 1958, the first American satellite was launched, using a V2 derivative rocket as its launch vehicle. After Oberth retired, Von Braun was in 1960 appointed director of development operations at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA) in Huntsville. There the original V2 rocket was redeveloped and finally became the main American space vehicle, the Gemini rocket, used to put Alan Shepard, the first American into space in 1962.
So it came to be that rockets originally developed under the Nazis were responsible for the first manned flight in space and the basis of both America and the Soviet Union's space programs.Von Braun's last great contribution to space exploration was his design and building of the first and second stages of the mighty Saturn V rocket, which took the manned Apollo missions to the moon. The Saturn V rocket gained distinction in one more way; it became the only series of rockets ever developed to have worked perfectly on every launch, a record which has never been equaled before or since.
Moon Walk
During the next three decades, thousands of spacecraft of all varieties were launched, mostly in earth orbit. Soon space flight then became almost routine until the first manned mission to the moon took place in 1969.Two Americans, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first of earth's inhabitants to walk on another planet - they were followed by other missions, each one more remarkable than the last.
All told, twelve white men walked on the moon's surface and returned to earth. The emphasis was then moved to building orbiting space stations, and in 1973, the famous space station, Skylab, was launched. The Soviet Union also put up the Soyuz space stations, some of which have been used to establish long distance endurance records in space. Unmanned craft were sent out to the far corners of the universe, with some penetrating out into the open vastness of space carrying messages of greetings from earth.
The next technological breakthrough was the development of a reusable space craft, and the American Space Shuttle, was born: powered by two disposable fuel tanks, the shuttle entered earth's orbit to deploy or catch orbiting satellites, and then returned to earth using its aerodynamic design to glide onto a landing strip.
Political Correctness
It was during the era of the development of the Space Shuttle that it dawned upon the purveyors of political correctness that the entire space program - from scientists to astronauts - had been an exclusively White affair. Objections were raised by the puppet drones of the Jewish controlled DNC, first at the presence of some of Von Braun's original team who were still alive (one was stripped of his American citizenship and deported back to Germany, nearly 40 years after he had been invited to America by the US government), and then against the fact that there were no Nonwhite astronauts.
Giving in to political pressure, NASA then hunted down suitable Nonwhite astronauts to fill a politically demanded affirmative action program. The trend accelerated under the direction of Jewish Clinton NASA Director appointee, Golden.
Copyright © 2001 by J. A. Ruth.