We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
T.S. Eliot — Little Gidding
This web site contains almost 500 articles selected from a pool of thousands of documents saved over the past 20 years. The selection continues to be updated right up to the present.
As the first child from a centuries-long line of North German farmers to be born in America, my perspective reflects that ancestry and informs my selections.
I have organized these articles into nine logically sequential categories, each containing five or six subcategories. The first is Evolution, which gives rise to Philosophy, takes shape in Religion, creates cultures (Western Civilization), which inevitably spawn Culture Clash, which hardens into Power blocs and domination, leading to War on many battlefields around the globe, seen and unseen, real and imaginary.
The War against European and American Whites—so long carried on in secret, now engaged in openly, viciously, without fear of punishment or retaliation—has already decimated and weakened the White race to the point of potential extinction.
My eighth category is Nationalism, engaged in by all of earth's peoples yet condemned only where and when Whites are involved. It is my hope that knowledge obtained from the true history presented on these many pages, will inspire and invigorate Whites to seek out and join with other Whites who have seen the danger to their people and, perhaps against their individualist inclinations, collected themselves into groups for the common cause of fighting for the survival of their people—the very people who created the civilizations that all the rest now seek to take over.
The final category, Features, still under construction, contains topics of major importance, special interest, and things awaiting discovery.