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American Renaissance - Christianity Pro and Con

Neither the Problem nor the Solution
George McDaniel

"All the 'little Jesus' religions, Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish..., all one! they can nail him to the cross or bake him up in wafers, same difference...same imposture! fairy tales...There's only one religion...all branches of the same 'little Jesus' chains...they hassle, they rip each other's guts out?...blarney...for the crowd! their only real job...is to besot and destroy the white race. Colored blood, all colored blood is 'dominant,' yellow, red, or indigo...white blood is dominated...always! black, red, never again white...Presto change-o! with all the blessings of the Church....The white man with his mongrelizing religion!...The white man is dead!
Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Rigadoon, 1969

Call them Generation LX, Generation 60, those young people of British ancestry and Christian heritage coming of age at the end of the 20th century. They are the latest descendants of ancestors Christianized around 500 AD, or some 60 generations ago.

As time goes, 1500 years is not very long. If European man has been around for 40,000 years, at 25 years per generation that's about 1600 generations, fully 1540 of which must have been spent outside the True Faith. If we reduce those 40,000 years to a timeline of a single year, and if it's now 12 midnight on December 31, it turns out that none of us ever heard of Jesus Christ until about 11 o'clock this morning. We have to admit it's been an eventful afternoon and evening.

It has been so eventful that it's scarcely all we remember, and all we acknowledge. Our Christian heritage is so important to most of us that we tend to think of it as the Alpha and the Omega and seldom recall that it had its origins not so long ago. Nevertheless, in each of our families, around the middle of the last millennium, there was a generation that was enticed, cajoled, or otherwise persuaded to abandon paganism and accept the gospel of Jesus. In the British Isles, this was accomplished by a series of Celtic monks with names like Patrick, Bridget, Columba, Columbanus, Mungo, and others.

It began with a Romanized Celt named Patricius, who, while a boy in England around 389, was captured and enslaved in Ireland for six years. Finally escaping back to his home, he soon returned to Ireland as a missionary. By the time of his death in 461, Saint Patrick saw much of Ireland converted from druidism to the Celtic Catholic faith.

In 500, Saint Bridget founded a rare co-ed monastery at Kildare. Columba brought the new religion to the Scottish islands and Highlands later that century. Mungo of Glasgow witnessed for the faith in the Lowlands around 600, about the time Columbanus was helping Christianize Gaul. During these years, Christianity managed to do what Hadrian had failed to do: it conquered all of Britain. That part of Europe not already converted followed over the next few centuries, sometimes peaceably but often through conquest, as in Charlemagne's conquest of Saxony. Thereafter, with the conversions complete, throughout, reformation and counter-reformation, heresies and Inquisitions, councils, bulls, edicts, and creeds, crusades, purges, pogroms, Armadas, holy wars and rumors of wars, it has, more or less, continued ever since.

But now, 1500 years later, the Christianity we see is hardly recognizable. Today, we witness Christians of all stripes merrily marching down the Universalist path, filling our football stadiums (how utterly appropriate!) with multicolored Promise Keepers, urging inter-racial mating, welcoming the invader, fidel and infidel alike, with open arms, and crying crocodilian tears of guilt over any inconvenience any non-white ever experienced, anywhere, in any sense, real or imagined.

As the authors of the other articles in this pro-con feature remind us, it was not always this way. For most of the Christian generations, the faith was vital and virile, and unashamedly supported the interests of the men and women of Europe. How is it that now its successors seem incapable of so much as asking a Mexican groundskeeper for his green card? Was the virus of Universalism always lying dormant within Christian theology, awaiting a peculiar combination of circumstances to activate it? Was Christianity, in fact, always an alien faith belonging to the Middle East, designed by and for the slaves of imperial Rome? Have we Europeans been but 60 generations of fools and dupes?

Jesus never came close to Europe. He spoke a guttural Semitic language called Aramaic, and never left Palestine. It was Saul of Tarsus, a Jew from Turkey, who could speak and write Greek, who traveled widely, who took the nascent faith and Hellenized it. Paul, who appears to have been strongly influenced by Mithraism, began the conversion of the Nazarene's cult from a Levantine slave creed into a robust, organized movement that could accompany European man on the rapid rise that was soon to come.

Christianity was Hellenized, Latinized, then finally Celticized, acquiring pagan symbols and ideas from a wide range of sources. Symbologically, little was new about it. Neither the virgin birth, the Sunday sabbath, the adoration of the shepherds, the holy grail, the cross, the crucifixion, nor baptism were original to it. St. Patrick's fiery cross, which achieved notoriety in modern times, was used in Druidic rites. Christian holidays were lifted straight from the Celts and Norsemen. The fertility rite of Easter, with its sun-worshiping services at dawn and the egg and rabbit fertility symbols, were borrowed from Beltane, a feast for Baal. Midsummer's bonfires were adopted for St. John's Day (and, incidentally, adopted for our own civic religion's Independence Day).

All Saints Day was another name for Samhain, the Celtic celebration of the dead. Christmas Day was probably co-opted more than any: Long a winter solstice celebration, the so-called birthday of Jesus surrounded itself with Christmas trees, yule logs, mistletoe, holly, evergreens and eventually Santa Claus. This last, incidentally, is a fascinating example of paganism. The old Father Christmas of Norse custom, a personality assumed by Wodan, the father of the gods, was mutated into Saint Nicholas, a third-century saint of the Eastern church, but he remained thoroughly pagan in popular lore. Resembling a Zoroastrian magus, this old fellow flies around with magical reindeer in the company of elves, all on the Saturnalian feast day of the sun god Mithra. Even the alternative name of the holiday, Yule, comes from the same root as "wheel," the sunwheel having traditionally decorated "Christmas" trees in the pagan era. For a while, the early church railed against the winter solstice festival without success, then eventually embraced it, adding to it a Christian patina and rationale. In this way Christianity survived and prospered, by uniting with the pagans and co-opting their symbols.

Far from eschewing the pagan culture, Christian monks and laymen embraced it, and often preserved it intact. For example, the books we have describing Norse mythology, the Eddas, were written down by Christians in the 13th century. Although Patrick is said to have burned 180 books in the Ogham (Celtic) alphabet, in general those monks who preserved Latin, Greek, and early Christian books, also copied and preserved Celtic and pagan texts, a tradition carried on later by the scholars of the Carolingian Renaissance. Part of Christianity's power was that it allowed converts to keep their familiar symbols. Another source of strength was that, for the individual, Christianity offered hope, succor, and consolation in the midst of death. It offered an unambiguous vision of a heaven and hell for the common man, provided an uncompromising certainty of damnation for the sinner, and made sin unavoidable. At the same time, it provided a relatively clear-cut road to salvation to anyone accepting its teachings. It was an enticing formula, and the authorities of the status quo, lacking any comparable written dogma and generally lacking any writing whatsoever, were helpless in the face of it.

If Christianity was held by Nietzsche and by some of us today as partially responsible for the collapse of our civilization, it is not the first time that charge has been brought. In Nero's day, the young sect was blamed by some for the fire that destroyed much of Rome. More serious was the crisis in 410 AD, when Alaric the Visigoth sacked the Eternal City. Many of the old Roman pagans blamed Christianity for Rome's fall. In the words of Gibbon: "The clergy successfully preached the doctrines of patience and pusillanimity; the active virtues of society were discouraged; and the last remains of the military spirit were buried in the cloister...." Augustine of Hippo wrote The City of God to refute these attacks, and through the dogged determination of the Church, Augustine's views prevailed He was no doubt correct, although perhaps for reasons he didn't understand.

Rome's problems in the fourth and fifth centuries were not owing to Christianity. Rome was spent from 400 years of empire, which had wrought a materialist, hedonistic, multiracial society where personal freedoms had been replaced by a craving for sports. Indeed, one of the first schisms between the Celtic church and the Roman occurred because the latter moved the date of Easter to accommodate a sports festival.

The socialist H.G. Wells spends an inordinate amount of time in his Outline of History fretting over why Christianity did not incorporate more of Jesus' actual teachings into its theology. Wells writes:

... And not only did Jesus strike at patriotism and the bonds of family loyalty in the name of God's universal fatherhood and the brotherhood of all mankind, but it is clear that his teaching condemned all the gradations of the economic system, all private wealth, and personal advantages. All men belonged to the kingdom; all their possessions belonged to the kingdom; ... Again and again he denounced private riches and the reservation of any private life....In the white blaze of this kingdom of his there was to be no property, no privilege, no pride and no precedence; no motive indeed and no reward but love.... Is it any wonder that to this day this Galilean is too much for our small hearts?

Wells misses the point. European man knew what he was doing when he took what he needed from Christianity and left the rest. The energetic race of blue-eyed recent-barbarians was too vital to assent to a slave morality. The Jesus they followed was a Christian warrior. Charlemagne is said to have beheld a vision of the cross and with it heard the exhortation to use it for conquest. The West and the European race did not need the message of the Galilean; it did need the great organizational skills of the Church and it did need the preservation of literacy, which Christianity has always supported.

Beyond that, it needed a belief system that would let Aryans be Aryans, and eventually, through the transformations I have described, Christianity became that creed.

So what happened? Others have analyzed the decline; I will not attempt that here. I will only point out that the gradual descent of Christianity into one-world secularism parallels the collapse of personal freedom, the abandonment of tradition, and the triumph of greed. In America, the narrow, New England-based theories of abolitionism, rising from the radical Republicanism of revolutionary France, were regarded as godless radicalism by Christians at least into the fifth decade of the 19th century. During the War Between the States, those theories gained the upper hand when Lincoln panicked and shocked the Union by emancipating the slaves. Imperialism and her ugly multicultural byproducts followed in the latter half of the century, paving the way for the internationalism of the 20th century, and a descent into the same morass Rome experienced in the fourth.

Christianity did not create Western culture, but neither is it alien to that culture. Like all other cultural components, the religion was created by the race. Baptize a tribe of Hottentots and you'll not get men capable of creating a Shakespearean play or St. Paul's Cathedral, or a Beethoven symphony. You'll just have a tribe of Hottentots, capable of doing what Hottentots do, no more, no less. Similarly, baptize a tribe of Celts or Angles or Saxons, and you'll not make them more capable of producing Western art or science or architecture or music. They must have the talent within them, which, when the time is right, will show itself. Charles Fort said, "It steam-engines when it's time to steam-engine," but only if there's a steam engine in the race. The culture is declining because something has gone out of its creator, the race. We cannot blame the ideas of the religion for this loss. We are all familiar with Richard Weaver's aphorism "Ideas have consequences," and so they do. Yet the decline of the West is not owing to a sudden re-surfacing of alien, universalist ideas from the dawn of the faith. As far as the evolution of the race is concerned, religion is what philosophers call epiphenomenal, the "smoke above the factory." It is a result, not a cause. Admonitions that we return to the faith of our fathers, however agreeable and well-intentioned, are bound to fail. Without arresting our own racial decline, we would no more benefit from the old religion than would the Hottentot.

Just as Christianity is not the cause of America's—and the West's—decline, nor is the decline caused by the falling away from Christianity, as the preachers would have us believe. The West has lost its Will. And somewhere among the generations, Christianity has lost the Way.

So, what now? Clearly, mainstream Christianity is hopeless. There are more Korean-speaking Presbyterians in the world today than English-speaking. There are more Roman Catholics on the continent of Africa than in the U.S. and Canada, with talk of African missionaries being sent here. A litany of the faith's multiracial, multicultural horrors would take volumes. Are there alternatives? There are many. Objectivism, Christian Identity, Asatru, Odinism, Beyondism, the Great White Brotherhood, Theosophy, any of the other forms of New Age Neo-Paganism, and good old disbelief. All have their adherents, and all have their drawbacks.

Whatever we choose, we should remember: no philosophy or religion will save us. As Jesus said, salvation is in the blood.
From: "Jim B"
Date: 29 Dec 2001

In Wolfram's History of the Goths, Wolfram's makes key statements regarding Jewish involvement in the origin of the Goths. Jews originated and used both forms of Christianity, martial and docile—as tools with which to manipulate the northern Europeans who were, respectively, fighting Rome (as documented by Wolfram below) and those who had already succumbed to Rome (as discussed by Gibbon).

From History of the Goths by Herwig Wolfram, chapter “Formation of the Gothic Tribes”, section “Political Organization and Culture of the Goths at the Danube and the Black Sea”:

-- Start of Excerpt --
During the fourth century the eastern Goths, the Greutungi, disappeared from the Roman's view. At the same time the interest in the western Goths, the Danubian Tervingi, increased to an unexpected degree, and the sources multiply accordingly. The ancient observers examined the political and cultural institutions of the Tervingi, their social as well as economic levels of development and patterns of behavior, together with the military-strategic possibilities and expansionary tendencies that they entailed. The relatively great abundance of sources is further increased by Ulfila's translation of the Bible, which offers a wealth of information, even though the events of the Bible took place in Roman Palestine around the time of the birth of Christ.

Jewish traditions were at that time in conflict with the culture of the great Hellenistic Roman state. There was a multiplicity of political jurisdictions, such as, for example the Roman emperor and his governors, the Hellenistic kings, the ethnarchs, the tetrarchs, and the oligarchic organs of Jewish self-government. In addition there was the personal power of the rich and noble, and various tribal institutions existed. Finally, Jewish law held sway, a law that separated the peoples, the heathens, from the _populus_, the people chosen by God. This heterogeneous New Testament “politics” unfolded before the backdrop of a Mediterranean culture based on public literacy, a culture that knew an advanced money economy with a banking and taxation system but that also experienced the tensions between the city and its surrounding countryside. -- End of Excerpt --